Eat Healthy without Breaking Budget

Matthew Horwood/GettyImages

No one wants to compromise on quality, especially when it comes to their food, but quality requires spending a bit extra on produce and product. This is a constant struggle for many, on what you should compromise on and where you should draw the line? Here are several pro tips that may help make this culinary struggle on a budget much easier. 

The decision to eat healthy seems like it would be an easy one but with constant food instantly accessible to us sometimes people are tempted by food that isn't always healthy. Some might even be unaware of just how unhealthy the food around them actually is, so stick to a shopping routine to make sure you don’t end up spending money on food that you don’t actually need just to save time.

It is important to be mindful while on a budget of just how many health benefits you are getting for the dollar of the item you have put in your cart. Don't be discouraged by the pricer and healthier items at the market because just because it's more expensive don't necessarily mean that you will be spending more money long-term. 

Here are five helpful tips that make eating well on a budget easier: 

Shop Seasonally

It is important to be aware of what fruits and vegetables are in season throughout the year and what is being locally grown in your area. These fruits and vegetables will be at their prime when you buy them ensuring that you get the most health benefits out of them. Be out on the hunt for local markets near your area, local vendors, and community agricultural gardens that sell produce. These prices will not only be less expensive than a regular supermarket but they will be fresher and you will be supporting your local community in the process. 

Favor A Plant Filled Diet 

You can often get good fats from plant products like avocado just like you can from meat. If you want to make your budget last a bit longer without skimping on the quality invest in less expensive vegetables and green produce. Quality meat can be expensive especially if you are trying to feed multiple people so planning your meals around half a plate of greens may just save you.

Bulk Buying

You may be afraid to buy in bulk for fear of spending money on items that may just go bad before you can use them. Don't let this deter you, the hack is to buy in bulk in a smart way. You can stalk up on things that last a longer amount of time so you don't need to stress about it going bad, such as brown rice or other grains that can last for quite a while in your pantry. 

Prepare it Yourself

The whole point of grocery stores is that they save you time. The aisles, usually located on the outer parts of the supermarket contain precut and packaged vegetables and fruits that are prewashed for you to take home, those cost three times the amount. You can buy the same vegetables and just precut them yourself to save time for later in the week. Just buy the whole chicken instead of the two precut slices, it costs almost the same and you get more to last for your money. 

Prepare a Course of Action 

Plan everything out, it's as simple as that. Like many things in life, when you plan you are more prepared and are less likely to skew from your ultimate goal, eating healthy on a budget is no different. Plan out your meals as far as you can, most people recommend week by week and have a designated day and time where you do this so you are not rushing to get it done last minute. You can look for days that have particular sales on items and plan your meals according to what is available and maximizes your budget during the times that you go to buy your ingredients.

These small steps and adjustments are sure to help make this challenge ways easier for you and those in your household. Both your pockets and your stomach are sure to be much happier as a result of shopping smart.